Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My first SLR camera Yashica FX-3 2000. I bought this camera during diploma, that is around 2005-2006. I buy it online at Lelong.com, second hand of course. It was first belong to some Indian chick from Sunways College. It's not digital okey, old school film camera from 1979, so here it is, let take a look.
 The camera bag.
 The leather cover. They don't make this kind of cover anymore.
 Retro design beb!

 This is where you insert the film kids

Can u guys imagine how I use this for my assignment? No Photoshop editing or anything. U'll only know how it look, once it (from the film negative) printed

With the flash. 
Now Le' Penetrator aka the Cable Release. Cable Releases are the mechanisms attached to cameras that allow photographers to snap photos from a distance

 It use to eliminate the possibility of the camera shaking. for example for night use, light trailing, and bulb.
I buy it separately, from a drug dealer, uhuk2.
Lastly the filter, I got it for free. All of this item I've buy for only RM 150. Actually this is my first and only SLR. I never own a DSLR, If any of you guys sees me with one. It's not mine. I borrow it all from my friends; Faiz, Naguib, Rahmat, Danny, Rashdan, and Fath. That is how I pass Cik Mat's Photography class. Thank you guys.

1 Observations:

ayus sweet said...
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